May 07, 2005


Article from Singaland local paper...Ingenious!

WOMEN: A CHEMICAL ANALYSIS A tongue-in-cheek e-mail

Element: Woman
Symbol: Wo
Discoverer: Adam
Atomic mass: Accepted as 53.6kg but can range from 40kg-200kg
Occurance: Copious quantities in all urban areas.

Physical properties:
Boils at nothing, freezes with no known reason.
Bitter if incorrectly used.
Found in various states, ranging from virgin metal to common ore.

Chemical properties:
Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
May explode without warning.
Most powerful money-reducing agent known to man.

Common uses: Highly ornamental.Can be a great aid to relaxation.

Potential hazards:
Highly dangerous, even in experienced hands.

Illegal to possess more than one.

General advice: Avoid contact wherever possible as cures can be expensive!