April 29, 2005


I finally have my feet firmly planted on the ground now.

I guess being in a more stable working environment where every acquainted soul is an angel does help a dozen to make a delightful difference. Despite the long unearthly hours, it is an immense pleasure contributing to the system and those patients in need.

And I have learned to live the present once again. No more of laborously counting down the number of days and hours when I will eventually pack my bag for the glitsy city life. Yes, I still crane my neck for that, but time is equally precious now. I am resuming my adrenaline-pumping and endorphin-elevating walking exercises by the beautiful lake and have hit the books once more. I have read and studied so much in the last 2 weeks that it could have been done over the last few months since I was here.

"If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better. Forget about the future, and live each day according to the teachings, confident that God loves his children. Each day, in itself, brings with it an eternity." - The Alchemist

Perhaps an earthy romance on the way has subtlely lifted my spirits and optimism? It is like having little love roots sprouting out from each of my toes and firmly grounding me to earth. It is crystal clear who he is and what he would be like, but is it poised to bloom and bear fruit? For some unexplained reason, I am hopeful this time.