Philosophy (with translations)
Why Haven't We Met the Other Half?
我們常常懷疑自己,明明條件不差,為什麼偏偏沒有另一半; 那些不那麼漂亮,不那麼可愛,不那麼幽默的人, 反而擁有令人羨慕的感情,為什麼呢?
We always wonder why is it that despite not having the worst qualities, we couldn't meet the other half? On the other hand, those who were less pretty and adorable with low sense of humour would have enviable relationships. Why is that so?
我想 … 是因為 … 我們都太小心、太謹慎、太不敢去愛了吧 …。
I's because...we are too cautious, too careful, too afraid to love...
我們將自己的感情包裝的好好的, 不讓對方發現, 為了所謂的矜持與害怕, 選擇等待 … 選擇放棄 … 選擇錯過 …為何未遇上另一半?。
We keep our feelings under lock and key, out of stubbornness and fear, so that the other half would not find out. We chose to wait, to give up, to lose...why didn't we meet the other half?
偶爾我也會為獨自一人的日子感到空虛, 雖然身邊同性或異性的好朋友總是支持著自己, 卻有種模糊不清的不安全感與不確定感 … 我真的夠好嗎?有時我不禁自我懷疑 …。
Occasionally I do feel lonely being all by myself, despite having support from friends of both sexes. There is a sense of insecurity and uncertainty...Am I good enough? Sometimes I do doubt myself...
面對愛情,處於被動,一向是種最安全的方式, 而且 … 輕鬆 … 於是為了寂寞,為了尋求陪伴, 我們不免會考慮起那些有勇氣對自己表白、先付出心意的人, 無論結局是好是壞 … 對自己的傷害都不那麼大。
It's always safest to be loved. And it's relaxing. Thus for the sake of our loneliness and to find a partner, it's perhaps appropriate to consider those who have plucked their courage to express their love and give it all. Whether the consequence would have been good or wouldn't have hurt us so much.
因為「是對方追我的」, 因為「我沒有像他喜歡我那麼深。」 被愛很幸福 … 可以接受、可以拒絕、可以有面子。 於是我們總是等著人家來愛, 但是 … 當我們發現沒辦法愛上對方時呢? 又或是我愛的人永遠都不說愛我呢? 我該接受那段不期盼的感情, 還是勇於追求自己的幸福呢?
Because "it's him who had come after me", "I didn't love him as much as he had loved me". It's lucky to be loved...we can accept it, or reject it, and save our face. Therefore we always wait for others to love. But what if we find that we can't love them back? Or that the one whom we like doesn't reciprocate? Should we accept the unwanted love, or boldly seek our own happiness?
想著過去感情生活的空白, 我發現那時的自己, 既不敢接受愛我的人的情感, 也不肯去追求心動的對象, 只是偷偷希望對方能主動… 難怪 … 我會這麼的寂寞 …。
Looking back at my past emptiness in my love life, I realise my fear of having to accept the other half's feelings for me, as well as my reluctance to go for the one I liked. I had only hoped that he would make the first move. It's no wonder I have been so lonely...
這是因為 … 我不給別人也不給自己 … 任何的機會 …。
This is because I have not given others or myself any chance...
「現在的男孩不是騎士,現在的女孩也不是灰姑娘。」 當我翻起自己高中時代寫的日記時, 心中突然湧起好多的感觸。 過去的傲氣消逝的同時, 有些事卻不曾改變, 現在的男孩確實不一定有勇氣追求自己喜歡的女孩, 現在的女孩也不一定需要等待白馬王子的邀約。
There is no more knight in shining armour or Cinderella. I was filled with emotions when I flipped my high-school diary. We may have lost our youthful pride but certain things do not change. Guys nowadays still may not have that courage to go after the gals they like, and modern gals may not necessarily have to wait around for invitations from their knights.
但是 … 在這個大家都那麼脆弱的時代, 或許男男女女都選擇了沉默。 我們在曖昧的界線中遊走,不太近、也不太遠 … 在若有若無的暗示中,期盼對方的回應 …。
However, in these days of increasing fragility, everyone has perhaps chosen to maintain silence. We tread on a fine line, keeping a balance...waiting for answers, whether there are signals or not...
我承認我是這樣的 …… 但這樣會錯失多少可能的幸福呢? 很羨慕很佩服 … 那些勇敢坦率說出自己的心意,表現自己的情感的人。 不管是男孩對女孩,或是女孩對男孩, 他們都對自己誠實的好可愛!
I admit I had been like that....but how much opportunities had I lost as a result? I envy and admire those who had bravely expressed their feelings and love. Their honesty is adorable!
或許會為了愛情而興奮得整夜難以成眠, 或許會傷心得淚流滿面, 然而 … 比一再的遺憾 … 來得精彩吧!
We may lose our sleep over the joys or sorrows with love, but this may have been much more interesting than eternal regrets.
我想我們都應該更勇敢些、更堅強點, 不能因為害怕傷害 … 就乾脆不去愛了 …。 喜歡一個人,何必在意先說出口, 想跟一個人牽著手一直一直走下去, 分享自己的喜怒哀愁, 這樣美麗的心情,難得一見 …。
I think we should be braver and stronger. We should not stop loving because we are afraid of being hurt. Why not say it when we like someone? To be able to walk hand in hand, and share our's special to have such beautiful feelings...
我們都要學著更溫柔 … 對愛我們或我們愛的人 … 認真接受、認真付出, 遺憾與後悔,比什麼都讓人難過。
We need to learn to be gentle to the ones who love us and the ones we love. We should give and take with sincerity. It's sad to have only regrets and pity.
別讓幸福 … 又由身邊流失了 … 要 … 更珍惜所有的一切!
Don't let happiness slip from us. Do treasure everything we have!
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