
What a torture! Imagine a day without TV or fridge! And for me, it's not just a day, but a full 5 weeks of tormenting abstinence! Blame it on my shocking efficiency; I managed to sell off all my furniture and even found a replacement tenant within 2 days! But my beloved TV and DVD set, as well as my almost brand-new bar fridge were taken away from me within a week (sob...sob...). I've been learning to live as a minimalist with just my laptop as my sole saviour of boredom, and of course more random thinking, worrying and daydreaming, which my boyfriend had deemed detrimental to my mental and our relationship well-beings.
I have tendered my resignation and written a letter of good note. No ill-feelings so far amongst my superiors and the administrators thankfully, which has made my job pleasant and amicable, much more so than back in Singaland. My love and passion for Geriatrics Medicine has not faltered, and I still cherish every minute of my work in the land of Oz.
My only dilemma at this stage is my car: to sell or not to sell? It would have been lots simpler if I have found a private buyer who is willing to fork out an amount that we are both comfortable with. I stand to lose $5000 if I sell it to a dealer, and have to fork out more than $1200 if I transport it interstate, pending further inspection there and new registration of the vehicle. A big hassle, no doubt, and a new load of responsibilities.
I am hoping to get away with a car after moving. He has been willing to share his car with me and chauffeur me around. I can always buy another car if required. I truly need to consider saving some money for rainy days or further investments.
I hope this relocation will be of permanence and a herald of a new chapter in our lives.
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